Kees Verhoog

Kees Verhoog

training, coaching and advice

Kees Verhoog (1992) is affiliated with Saam & Verhoog as a public affairs & communication staff member.

Effective communication about messages and interests is his passion. Nevertheless, Kees realizes that it is unthinkable to reach someone effectively with your message if it is not based on thorough analysis and advice and if its formulation does not resonate with the recipient. His heart also lies in this crucial groundwork. Moreover, he enjoys organizing meaningful activities that provide a platform for conveying a message. He also finds pleasure in getting people involved in participating.

Kees has gained some practical experience in this regard. For example, he completed an editorial internship at the Parliamentary Documentation Center of Leiden University, where he also assisted in organizing lectures and debates. He contributes to various activities for the Prinsjesfestival. Previously, alongside his studies, he worked as a temporary employee for Schinkelshoek & Verhoog, among other roles such as assisting with the political monitor.