Jasper van Hylckama Vlieg

Jasper van Hylckama Vlieg

training, coaching and advice

Jasper van Hylckama Vlieg (1977) works as an interim and project manager primarily for (semi-)governmental institutions on various projects and events.

Examples include events, business processes, fostering different forms of collaboration, and making work more efficient and effective… As long as a clear result needs to be achieved within defined parameters. He excels in bringing entrepreneurial energy into bureaucratic organizations. With a keen understanding of political and bureaucratic dynamics, he accelerates the delivery of results. Building connections between external and internal stakeholders to achieve results is always a new challenge, one that energizes him greatly.

His strengths include:

  • Ability to discern main issues from details (highly distinguishing capability and focus).
  • Firm, independent, and boundary-pushing (broad worldview and self-confidence).
  • Leadership at strategic, tactical, and operational levels (from vision to concrete implementation).
  • Problem-solving by putting himself in others’ shoes (empathetic).
  • Fostering creativity within structure (providing space within established frameworks).
  • Clear communication (direct communication style).